About our Institution

Principal's Desk

My mission behind ‘Small World Junior High’ is my deep love for children and in seeing them having successful careers and enriching lives. 
The journey of our school began in the year 2006 with just 2 kids and now we are a strength of 800 students. At our school, we leave no stone unturned in order to provide the best all round development to the students. Our school is more than just books and tests; it’s a place where we help kids grow in many ways.
Apart from the academics, we also teach the students how to think and apply their minds, be creative, and solve problems. Our teachers are like guides, helping students discover what they’re good at and what they love to do.
We want every student to feel welcome and included, no matter where they come from or how they learn. We also teach kids about being kind, strong, and responsible people. This way, they can make the world a better place when they grow up.

Together with parents and everyone in our community, we’re preparing kids not just for today, but for the future. We’re helping them become leaders and learners who can face any challenge.
Here’s to a future full of happiness, learning, and amazing possibilities!

Dr. Preeti Sharma
M.Phil., Ph.D.

Our Experts

Meena Sharma Ma’am, is an exceptional educator at our school. With years of dedicated service and a true passion for teaching, she has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on our students and the entire school community.
Her commitment to education goes beyond the classroom. Meena Mams innovative teaching methods, creativity, and unwavering dedication have not only enriched the learning experiences of our students but have also inspired fellow teachers.

Teacher’s Name has the capability to transform complex concepts into engaging lessons, fostering a love for learning among students.

But it’s not just about academics, mam is known for her caring nature and strong rapport with students. She provides mentorship and guidance, helping students grow not only academically but also as responsible and compassionate individuals.


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